From Delicat Aliment we want to present you a novelty we are excited about: our collaboration with the Torres brothers. The recognised chefs Sergio and Javier Torres launch their line of gourmet sauces, creams and broths: El Toque de Los Hermanos Torres. An assortment of products with their own recipes that bring haute cuisine to the mainstream.
The long and successful careers of Sergio and Javier Torres, who have two Michelin stars in their restaurant Cocina Hermanos Torres, in Barcelona, are a guarantee of quality on this range of products. Precisely, quality is a distinguishing value of El Toque de los Hermanos Torres, together with the proximity of the raw material and the commitment to Mediterranean cuisine. It is a pleasure for us to work with these two geniuses and their entire team, and we look forward to a long journey with them.

C/ Crom nº 99, Nave J, Hospitalet de Llobregat
+34 93 335 30 00