Add color to your dishes with our range of organic legumes along with other bio products and enjoy taking care of yourself. Organic legumes are an interesting source of fibre and vegetable protein that must be part of a balanced diet. With them, you can prepare delicious stews and salads based on soya, chickpeas hummus, hamburgers and salads based on Azukis or lentils. This is how versatile organic legumes are, which also have a very pleasant flavor and texture to prepare healthy recipes for the whole family.

Garbanzos país

Lentejas rojas

Soja texturizada
Copyright 2024 © Delicat Aliment, S.L. · C/ Crom nº 99, Nave J, Hospitalet de Llobregat · +34 93 335 30 00
Copyright 202 © Delicat Aliment, S.L.
C/ Crom nº 99, Nave J, Hospitalet de Llobregat
+34 93 335 30 00
C/ Crom nº 99, Nave J, Hospitalet de Llobregat
+34 93 335 30 00